Intended Destination Form

All young people leaving Year 11 are guaranteed an offer of a place in post 16 learning/training by the end of September in the year in which they leave school. So we can help you receive your offer of learning/training, please complete this form as fully as possible

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Your opportunity to receive more information! Important Note

    The 16-19 Education and Skills Team is part of Lancashire County Council and we work closely with other organisations, such as schools, college and other organisations who provide support for young people around education, employment and training. We have a responsibility to check how you are getting on once you leave school. To support this, we would like to share your information for up to 3 years after you have left school, including your name, address and contact details and whether or not you are in education, training or employment as follows: Do you give your consent for Lancashire County Council to share this information: